York third molars appearing between 17 to 25 are called wisdom teeth. Most people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth indicating the mouth has insufficient space to allow them to erupt. Dentists routinely recommend wisdom tooth extraction either because they are impacted or can cause problems and damage the surrounding teeth and bones.
Wisdom teeth removal surgery is an outpatient procedure performed by dentists or oral surgeons. Dentists recommend impacted wisdom tooth extraction if exams and x-rays reveal the tooth is impacted and may cause dental problems for you going ahead.
Oral surgeons cut into the gums for impacted wisdom teeth removal either entirely or in pieces. You receive anesthesia which may include nitrous oxide, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. The oral surgeon decides which sedation is best for your situation based on your anxiety level and the complexity of the procedure besides the number of wisdom teeth you want to have removed.
Your dentist monitors the development of your wisdom teeth during routine appointments with x-rays. The dentist may discuss wisdom teeth removal in Whitby, Ontario if you have impacted wisdom teeth. Your third molars have the potential to cause complications such as infections, tooth decay, damage to the surrounding teeth, periodontal disease, tooth loss, and bone loss.
Sometimes, the Brooklin Village Dental Care dentist suggests wisdom teeth removal surgery even when they aren’t impacted or causing problems to you currently. The suggestion is a preventive measure to ensure potential issues stop before they can start. Wisdom teeth located at the back of your mouth are challenging to clean, making it difficult for you to maintain appropriate oral hygiene.
Inquire with your surgeon about any concerns you have before the removal. The surgeon provides information on what you can do in the days leading to the surgery and how to plan for recovery after that. They also discuss the type of anesthesia you will receive and how you feel after the procedure.
You can prepare for the recovery by purchasing some soft or liquid-based foods that don’t require chewing after surgery. Foods like smoothies, applesauce, yogurt, and oatmeal are appropriate after wisdom tooth removal.
Provide the surgeon information about any medications you take, including over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and vitamins, and provide your entire health history before the day of the procedure.
Wisdom tooth removal surgery requires about 45 minutes. If you are having a broken wisdom tooth removed, the oral surgeon may need more time. The anesthesia you receive determines whether you remain awake or fall asleep during the process.
Wisdom tooth removal surgery is usually performed under intravenous anesthesia administered through your arm to deliver sedatives during the surgery. Intravenous anesthesia is considered the most efficient option allowing you to drift in and out of consciousness, making it unlikely to remember the procedure.
After you receive sedation, the surgeon numbs the wisdom teeth with local anesthesia besides their surrounding gum tissue. Next, the surgeon removes any tissue covering the area where the wisdom tooth is located to access the tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth can be entirely or partially covered with bone. In such cases, a high-speed handpiece helps the surgeon to drill through and remove the bone surrounding the tooth.
When the impacted wisdom tooth is visible various surgical instruments help the professional loosen the tooth from its socket. The surgeon may decide to cut the tooth in pieces before removal. After removing the wisdom tooth, the surgeon adds dissolvable sutures for faster healing.
For the initial 24 hours after the procedure, avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously or using a straw for drinking. Do not consume alcohol or use any mouthwash containing alcohol. Avoid brushing your teeth next to the extraction site, and keep in mind to use a soft manual toothbrush instead of electric toothbrushes. Finally, avoid smoking during the healing.
Your recovery requires about six weeks, but you can resume regular activities the day after the procedure. However, you must avoid strenuous activity after the procedure to prevent breaking off the blood clot.
Do not delay your dentist’s recommendation to have wisdom teeth removed, especially if you have an impacted wisdom tooth. Your negligence can make you vulnerable to seek emergency wisdom tooth removal at higher prices than you pay for the regular procedure.
Exercise caution with the foods you have after getting wisdom teeth removed and avoid crunchy, challenging, and spicy foods. Take the medications recommended by the oral surgeon as directed and contact the professional if you experience any complications.
Wisdom tooth removal is a relatively standard procedure performed on many people who report complications with their third molars. Instead of expressing concern about the surgery, it helps if you proceed with your dentist’s suggestion because it helps to prevent numerous complications.
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