Learn All About Oral Piercings & Tooth Jewellery

June 18, 2018

Oral Piercings

Oral jewellery and piercings have become a growing trend. Jewellery in the mouth has an aesthetic appeal. This includes piercing the lips, cheeks, tongue, teeth and surrounding areas. Unlike the oral piercings, tooth jewellery has become increasingly common and does not require making a hole in the mouth. However, since the oral cavity is a sensitive and extremely vascular area, it is essential to consult a dental professional before placing oral jewellery.

Oral Piercing vs. Tooth Jewellery

Oral piercings are done in a piercing or tattoo parlour. The area is marked, prepped and pierced using a needle. The jewellery is then placed and aftercare instructions are provided.

Tooth ‘piercing’ or jewellery is a simple procedure usually performed in a dental office. It does not require drilling into the tooth but instead preparing a tooth for a gem to be bonded to it. The tooth is first polished, dried and etched to create a surface to enable a bond. A bonding agent and composite resin are then used to bond the gem or jewellery into position on the tooth.

There are cases of piercing a tooth by drilling a hole through a tooth. However, this is never recommended, as the risk of the tooth breaking, chipping or dying is exceptionally high.

Oral Piercing Precautions

Because of the risks associated with oral piercings dental health professionals warn against getting one. If an oral piercing is placed, it is essential to go to a reputable company.

  • The piercing studio should be a clean environment that uses sterilized instruments, a new needle and disposable gloves. The studio should not use a piercing gun.
  • Following the piercing make sure to keep the area clean. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before handling the piercing.
  • Rinse your mouth at least two times per day for 60 seconds. Ideally using an alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwash or salt-water solution.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene brushing two times per day and flossing daily. It is essential to keep food particles away from the piercing.
  • Don’t touch the site with hand or foreign objects as it increases your risk of infection.
  • The jewellery should be made of surgical steel, gold or platinum.
  • Ensure the material used is not one that will cause an allergic reaction.
  • Maintain regular check-ups at your dentist to ensure the site is healing well, and no infection has formed.

Keep A Healthy Smile With Oral Jewellery. It is essential to know and follow all of the aftercare procedures following an oral piercing. A piercing generally takes 3-4 weeks to heal in the mouth. A reputable company should provide all additional steps to follow. If the site shows any signs of infections, or the mouth has any reaction, see your healthcare provider. Ask your dental professional if you are a candidate for temporary tooth piercing.

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