Gum Reduction & Contouring

When you look in the mirror, do you see a smile that has the appearance of too much gum and not enough teeth? Do you wish there was a way you could change your smile so you could face the camera with more confidence? If so, you might want to read on to learn about the amazing benefits to gum reduction and gum contouring achieved at Brooklin Village Dental Care.

What You Can Expect

When you first visit our office, we’ll discuss your goals and treatment options. We’ve helped countless patients who’ve come to us with the following concerns:

  • Teeth that appeared too small
  • Teeth that appeared too stubby
  • An uneven gum line
  • Gum inflammation or puffy gums

Gum reduction and contouring is a safe procedure that involves removing small amounts of gum tissue to correct any of the issues mentioned above. It’s typically performed with local anesthesia and recovery time is minimal.

After the procedure, you’ll be given instructions for at-home care which includes eating only soft foods for the first few days afterward. You’ll want to follow these post-opt instructions carefully to avoid any risk of infection or other complications.

An over-the-counter mild pain reliever such as ibuprofen will be recommended to manage pain, and you may be prescribed an antibiotic rinse thwart any potential infection from the procedure.

The Two Terms Are Used Interchangeably

Some people wonder if gum reduction and gum contouring are two separate procedures. They’re not. The terms are used interchangeably in common vernacular, but some dentists may use different terms to describe a procedure that involves the use of a scalpel versus a procedure that involves the use of a laser.

Get the Smile You’ve Been Dreaming of in Whitby

If you’re tired of wondering what people see when they look at your smile, it might be time to learn more about gum reduction or Gum reshaping and how the procedures can give you the confidence you deserve to smile without having to worry. Brooklin Village Dental Care has convenient evening and Saturday appointments available to meet even the busiest of schedules. Make your appointment now to learn more!

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